What is the number one most important thing to do before hitting the road full-time? Connect with other like minded families. Some people are automatically supportive when we share about our lifestyle and the dreams that led us to choose this life on the road. Others, well the “American Dream” is a little different for them and often that can make it hard to relate to something that is so out-of-the-box. That can be really discouraging!
We are fortunate that my husband’s cousin and her family are also on the road fulltime, and have been for several years. It wasn’t much of a shock to his family and there wasn’t a lot of fears or doubts because they already know it can be done successfully and have seen first hand how much a family can thrive in this lifestyle. However, there’s still plenty of others who have nothing positive to say about our choice to go on the road fulltime. This can really take its toll and make you feel discouraged, alone and crazy.
It’s so important to connect with other like minded families while in the planning process and while on the road and that’s exacty where this wonderful organization called FullTime Families comes in! Not only do they offer amazing benefits for membership {I’ll get to those in a second!}, but they have several very active Facebook groups where you can interact with other families who are in various stages of this lifestyle – everyone from dreamers to seasoned fulltimers! This is such a vital support to have and I can’t say enough how awesome it is to know that there are others out there who completely understand why you want to give up the “American Dream” and hit the road!
Just a few of the benefits of being a FullTime Family Member include: rallies and events held nationwide, a guide to all campgrounds in the USA who are family friendly and willing to waive “kid tax” for FullTime Family Members – with more being added all the time, exclusive discounts and savings, a members only Facebook group, a scouting program for FullTime kids and so much more!!
The FullTime Families community is not just about socializing with other like-minded families and sharing tips and stories… I have personally seen the community come together to support other fulltimers through tragedies such as injury and illness, and most recently they pulled together to help another family who had their RV and all of their belongings stolen. Everyday there’s people chatting about how to get started, how to make an income, putting heads together to walk through breakdown repairs, roadschooling adventures, and sharing recipes for RV cooking. It’s a genuine place to connect and find support while setting out on a journey to follow your dream.
Joining FullTime Families is the single most beneficial thing that we have done before we hit the road, and it remains an amazing benefit and tool for connecting with other like-minded families now that we have been on the road for several months. I hope you’ll check it out and consider joining so you can see for yourself how amazing it is to know that there are other families out there who have the same dream of living a simpler life that you do!
If you join FullTime Families, be sure to let me know! We can’t wait to see you on the road! Next week, I’ll have an interview with the creator/founder of FullTime Families, Kimberly Travaglino. You don’t want to miss it so be sure to come back here and check it out!
*Disclaimer: This post does contain affiliate links, however we never recommend or become affiliated with anything that we don’t honestly love and want to share with others. We appreciate your support by using our affiliate link. Affiliate links help us fund the extras, like trips to zoos, museums, or other amazing things we discover and experience on the road.
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